
What Just Happened?

I will admit that I spend a fair amount of time complaining about ESPN and how they cover certain events. Maybe it doesn't seem like a lot but let's just say I only post about fraction of the things that drive me crazy. So I'm watching college hoop (Big Monday), Villanova vs. Pitt, and I find myself applauding something ESPN has done (not literally, I'm alone in my living room so that would be weird).

In their studio show, in addition to capable Reece Davis and aged, mildly insane Digger Phelps, was Stacey Dales (what happened to Schuman?). It's never been out of character to have a male analyst for women's basketball but this is the first time I can recall a female analyst for men's basketball.

Now, if I were your typical, sex-driven male, I might comment on how hot Ms. Dales is. Or how sexy basketball skillz are in a woman. Or maybe I'd comment on how the ESPN camera is position tantalizingly close to her rack. But no, I'm not going to say that (even if it is true).

In all seriousness, I think this is fantastic. Dales, like any quality analyst, has experience both as a standout college player and a solid pro, and she knows her stuff. That gives her more game experience in her field than Mel Kiper Jr. - or Sean Salisbury for that matter.

And speaking of The Steak, I'm 99 percent sure that Dales isn't going to start taking cell phone pictures of her cooter.